Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Microwave Principle An Excerpt from ‘Living Life Principles’

The Microwave Principle

An Excerpt from ‘Living Life Principles’

By Allan S. Kock

MB.ChB(Pret), M.Med(USA), M.SC(Medicine & Surgery)(USA), A.APA(USA), MD(UK), DA(SA),

D.Mus, M.Mus, B.Mus(Hons), A.TCL, L.TCL, F.TCL, F.RSM, BKA.Dip(UK), HonRCM, A.SACM, L.SACM, F.SACM

Our lives are so full of fast-paced methods to do absolutely everything these days...well, almost everything.

We have Fast-Track methods in business - usually a way to 'get to the money' quicker - but often having a detrimental affect on the people involved. We have thousands of varieties of technological break-throughs which allow us to do things faster - and I for one totally embrace technology for its ability in helping us do incredible things not even imagined as being possible only 10 years ago. We also have cars that go faster and that are works of art if you are a connoisseur of motor vehicles as I am. We also have ingredients that when added to recipes just make everything happen faster....Voila - instant cake! Who needs an oven? We have chemical processes that are made to be lightning fast through the use of catalysts...And the list goes on.

One of the most highly used instruments of speed is the Microwave Oven - meals in an instant. Cook on High for 5-6 minutes - there we have it - a meal (regardless of its quality) ready to eat. Something done in 5-6 minutes that used to take our Mothers and Grandmothers all day to prepare. The evening feast!

The 'almost everything' that I mentioned above are the processes of life that often need to take much more time than we want them to take. It takes time to heal our emotional and psychological wounds - to create change - to work on us at a level that allows literal miracles to take place. Yes, that takes time. And sometimes it takes a lot of time...the rest of our lives in most cases.

When I'm working with people who are absolutely desperate to climb out of the darkness - to get away from the 'black dog' that has been controlling their quality of life for far too long, there is only one piece of hope that I can really offer them and it takes a reality check to do so. I have to explain to them that if I could stick a band-aid on their bashed and beaten esteem and psychological selves then that would be marvelous! But I can't. Would a band-aid work on a skin cancer? ...No. Does it work as a quick-fix on emotional and esteem issues? ...No. So I explain to them that it is going to take time, patience, courage, determination, persistence, and a whole lot of other things that they feel like they just haven't got right now. But they can do it one step at a time, one day at a time…sometimes one hour at a time...slowly, but surely.

I ask them if they can envisage just a 1% improvement, and would that be better? Usually the answer is yes. So 1% improvement each day, each month, each year...eventually leading to some peace of mind and serenity can become an achievable goal for most of us. Those small steps can lead to real life-changing journeys - if people are given the tools and road maps they require. They also need encouragement - heaps of encouragement! Consistent and persistent uplifting of people who are broken in spirit and in mind will lead to miracles never thought possible.

Therefore, if you happen to have an important life issue microwaving for 5-6 minutes on High, it's time to think about slowing down a tad and remembering that it is going to take the time that it takes.

Some personal healing processes may just require that you get out of the microwave and take a soak in the sun.

Invest time in yourself…invest time in your wellbeing, and invest time in being able to live a level and well balanced future (and that's not about money).

Take some time out for you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What’s on your mind?

This is what’s on your mind. I mean, this blog probably isn’t on your mind, but whatever. What’s on your mind is a project that lets people just speak their mind. Their ideas, opinion, that sort of thing. The project will start out with this blog, and a Youtube channel (at www.youtube.com/WhatsOnYourMind3), to, although it may expand in the future. If you want to send something for the blog of channel, you can send it to WhatsOnYourMind234@gmail.com. Hope you like it.